In this course you will learn how to prepare and perform a downtime- optimized conversion (SAP ECC system to SAP S/4HANA system), from a system administrator point of view. Course based on software release:SAP S/4HANA 2022, SUM 2.0 SP 16.
  • ADM329
  • Délka 2 dny
  • 0 ITK bodů
  • 2 termíny
  • Praha (26 450 Kč)

    Brno (na vyžádání)

    Bratislava (na vyžádání)

In this course you will learn how to prepare and perform a downtime- optimized conversion (SAP ECC system to SAP S/4HANA system), from a system administrator point of view. Course based on software release:SAP S/4HANA 2022, SUM 2.0 SP 16.

  • System Administrator
  • Technology Consultant

This course will prepare you to:

  • Find the SAP Note on restrictions and issues 
  • Explain the prerequisites and the required preparation steps 
  • List the relevant phases and their activities 
  • Start a downtime-optimized Conversion run 
  • Monitor the replication process 
  • Explain the two process types for replication (R3load, ABAP batch)
  • Check database triggers 
  • Explain the role of SHD and TMP instances 
  • Explain the process to apply "Shadow Notes" 
  • Reconfigure the temporary system to add resources 
  • Create a customer buffer with FI customizing 
  • Select appropriate tables for uptime migration ("downtime-optimized DMO")


  • ADM328
  • Experience with the Software Update Manager (SUM)

Studijní materiál SAP.

  • Get the overview on the approach
  • Understand the concept of downtime-optimized Conversion
  • Find the SAP Note on prerequisites, restrictions, and issues 
  • Prepare and start a downtime-optimized Conversion run
  • Enable the approach
  • Create a customer buffer with FI customizing
  • Prepare Impact Analysis
  • Determine the tables for uptime processing
  • Choose the approach in the UI 
  • Executing approach specific activities
  • Examine the main blocks and phase names
  • Check database triggers
  • Understand restrictions / Freeze Triggers
  • Explain the role of SHD and TMP instances 
  • Explain the process to apply "Shadow Notes" 
  • Reconfigure the temporary system to add resources  
  • Adapt customizing on TMP
  • Monitor the replication process 
  • Understand the two process types for replication 
  • Understand project specific requirements
  • Consider Load verification
  • Plan Project cycles
  • Understand technical architecture
  • System setup is not typical, so timings and potential issues shall not be taken as typical
  • The goal of this course is the preparing and performing of a downtime optimized conversion of an SAP S/4HANA conversion of an SAP ECC system from a system administrator point of view. In addition, relevant aspects for project and test cycle planning are discussed.
  • The training class uses SAP S/4HANA 2022 as target product version, but the content of the class is applicable for conversions to SAP S/4HANA 2020 and above.
  • The following are not covered in this course:
    • A complete downtime-optimized Conversion run.
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