This 3-day training covers advanced topics that a storage administrator will encounter after performing the tasks covered in the HPE 3PAR basic courses (HK902S and HK904S). Topics included are: Space Explained, Performance, Alerts, [...]
  • H9P97S
  • Délka 3 dny
  • 0 ITK bodů
  • 3 termíny
  • Praha (37 080 Kč)

    Brno (na vyžádání)

    Bratislava (na vyžádání)

This 3-day training covers advanced topics that a storage administrator will encounter after performing the tasks covered in the HPE 3PAR basic courses (HK902S and HK904S). Topics included are: Space Explained, Performance, Alerts, Troubleshooting, Upgrading, Adaptive Flash Cache (AFC) and Configuration Rebalancing. The course is 50% lecture with 50% hands-on labs. Additional Scenario Labs compliment the Module Labs. These Lifecycle Labs include Adaptive optimization, Quality of Service and Adaptive Flash.


A storage administrator who has been managing 3PAR StoreServ arrays on a daily basis for at least a year. This training is not for an individual who has no experience managing a 3PAR array.

This 3-day training covers advanced topics that a storage administrator may encounter after performing the tasks covered in the 3PAR basic courses (HK902 and HK904). Topics included are: Space Explained, Performance, Adaptive Optimization reporting and planning, Alerts, Upgrading, and Configuration Rebalancing. Labs are included to reinforce the course theory.

Students must have attended HK902 and should have managed a 3PAR array for at least 12 months.

  • Name the current HP 3PAR hardware offerings and describe virtualization concepts
  • Describe virtualization concepts
  • Explain how space is distributed in HP 3PAR storage arrays
  • Size Adaptive Optimization and work with AO reports
  • Interpret different HP 3PAR performance metrics and how the array’s features can affect performance
  • Tune and rebalance HP 3PAR storage arrays
  • Perform hardware and software upgrades
  • Configure, interpret and handle HP 3PAR alerts and notifications
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