lt;pgt;lt;stronggt;Advance your Ansible skills and develop automation that scales by applying recommended practices with the new, container focused tools from Red Hat Ansible Automation Platformlt;/stronggt;lt;/pgt;lt;pgt; lt;/pgt;lt;pgt;Developing Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (DO374) is designed for automation content developers to leverage the new, container focused tools from Red Hatamp;reg; Ansible Automation Platform to efficiently develop automation that can be managed by the automation controller. Learn recommended practices for automation development using reusable code, advanced playbook techniques, shared execution environments, and preparing for scalable automation with the automation content;/pgt;lt;pgt; lt;/pgt;lt;pgt;This course is based on Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform;/pgt;lt;pgt; lt;/pgt;lt;h4gt;Course content summarylt;/h4gt;lt;pgt; lt;/pgt;lt;ulgt;lt;ligt;Apply recommended practices for effective and efficient automation with;/ligt;lt;ligt;Perform automation operations as rolling;/ligt;lt;ligt;Use advanced features of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform to work with data, including filters and;/ligt;lt;ligt;Create automation execution environments to contain and scale Red Hat Ansible;/ligt;lt;ligt;Leverage capabilities of the automation content navigator to develop Ansible;/ligt;lt;/ulgt;lt;pgt; lt;/pgt;lt;h4gt;Target Audiencelt;/h4gt;lt;pgt; lt;/pgt;lt;pgt;This course is designed for users who create automation content, including these roles:lt;/pgt;lt;pgt; lt;/pgt;lt;ulgt;lt;ligt;Developerslt;/ligt;lt;ligt;DevOps engineerslt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Linux system administratorslt;/ligt;lt;ligt;Other IT professionals with basic expertise using Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform to automate, provision, configure, and deploy applications and services in a Linux environmentlt;/ligt;lt;/ulgt;