Learn how to best fulfill the more advanced DBA responsibilities including database tuning and benchmarking, monitoring, and more. The concepts and architecture that support these more in-depth topics, along with the options available to [...]
  • PostgreSQL4
  • Délka 3 dny
  • 30 ITK bodů
  • 6 termínů
  • Praha (21 500 Kč)

    Brno (21 500 Kč)

    Bratislava (1 040 €)

  • Mírně pokročilý

Learn how to best fulfill the more advanced DBA responsibilities including database tuning and benchmarking, monitoring, and more. The concepts and architecture that support these more in-depth topics, along with the options available to carry them out, are covered in detail. This includes how to make the best use of tools available to perform these tasks more efficiently.

  • DBAs
  • Architects
  • Database Professionals

Learn how to best fulfill the more advanced DBA responsibilities including database tuning and benchmarking, monitoring, and more.  The concepts and architecture that support these more in-depth topics, along with the options available to carry them out, are covered in detail. This includes how to make the best use of tools available to perform these tasks more efficiently.

  • Understanding of PostgreSQL
  • Basic experience in database administration
  • Intermediate knowledge of RDBMS concepts
  • Basic understanding of SQL
  • Basic understanding of Linux operating system is helpful
  • Introduction
  • Database Monitoring
  • SQL Tuning
  • Performance Tuning 
  • Performance Benchmarking
  • Extensions
  • Table Partitioning
  • Connection Pooling
  • Foreign Data Wrappers  
  • Upgrading Best Practices

This course includes 1 complimentary attempt/student at the PostgreSQL Advanced certification exam/digital badge.

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